
Diane Ortiz

In order to successfully survive many natural or manmade disasters, an individual needs to be well prepared in advance and should act with presence of mind. In the event of power or structural loss, preparation may include devising alternative means to keep warm and prepare food. Learning to build a fire is a simple, often lifesaving skill. While it may seem as easy as putting a match or lighter to a flammable object, this is occasionally not an option. The following are 4 ways to make a fire when matches or a lighter are unavailable.

4 Ways to Make a Fire without Matches or a Lighter

Here we will take a look at 4 ways to make a fire without matches or a lighter. While there may be many other tips or tricks that may work, these tips are guaranteed to create a fire without too much effort.

- Using a magnifying lens

A magnifying lens can be used in order to focus and concentrate the heat of the sun's rays to one point. With a strong lens, you can start a fire in no time.

- Using steel wool and batteries

The terminals of a battery can be rubbed against steel wool vigorously in order to create sparks. Finer wool yields better friction, thus producing more sparks. As the steel wool catches the sparks, you can blow on it to start a small fire.

- Making a drill

Use of a drill to create fire requires making both a drill and a base where the fire will start. The simplest drill proves to be a very dry and sturdy stick that can be rotated in order to create friction. If the base is made out of dry tree bark, repeated rotation will cause sufficient friction to start a fire. However, both the drill and the base will need to be extremely dry for this method to work.

- Using steel and flint stones

This is one of the oldest known techniques to start a fire without matches or a lighter. Flint stones can be rubbed together to create sparks. However, using steel to create friction on a flint stone proves to be much simpler. This can be used to create a spark, and a fire can be started by using a flammable cloth to catch said spark.